
Collaborative Partners


Minority & Small Business Trade Associations

The directory was designed to network small & diversity vendors with the Federal and State government procurement department. The directory is equipped with cloud technology that allows the small & diversity businesses the opportunity to complete business. 

Professional Trade Associations

The system was designed to network small & diversity vendors with the Federal, State and Local government procurement department.   Buyers may used these tools to make purchase online from diversity vendors

Community Trade Associations

A tool to get the best and lowest price on products.  Your organziation will be associated with other Government agencies in order to combine procurement activities to get the best price and cost savings for your organization.

Faithbase Communities

Connecting resources with government to get the best results in the times of need.  The Global network should your organization to include diversity members utilizing the association cloud technology.  This makes Just in Time purchasing easy.

Neighborhood Associations

Communities working together!  Local Government organization working together makes it easy to include diverity in the procurement process.


Additional benefits for staff and members.
